Over the last two years, the Aarhus Shkodra Information Center has been implementing several projects focused on informing and enhancing public participation at the environmental level, as well as on promoting cooperation among diverse stakeholders.

The benefits urban open spaces provide to citizens range from recreational positive impacts to ecological and health ones.  “Green Lungs for our cities: monitoring public urban greenery and ecosystem services of Shkodra City” is a project funded by the EU  through the Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development. It builds on the principles of the Aarhus Convention and is aimed at improving the current situation of urban greening in Shkodra.

The project works on:

  • Informing the local government, NGOs, universities, as well as the wider community about the state for urban greening in Shkodra. It does so by distributing reports, infographics, brochures, as well as by organizing meetings with citizens and researchers on the field;
  • Lobbying at the local and governmental level to improve the quality of urban greening through informative reports, the organizations of roundtables and national conferences, assessing the compliance of national legislation with the EU for urban greening;
  • Raising awareness among citizens about the importance of preserving and improving urban open spaces through understanding-raising campaigns and programs in the local media.

Further info on the website of the Aarhus Centre in Shkodra